FRTS Series

The IMADA rheometer is a versatile device that serves as both a desktop and portable tool, simplifying on-site handling and installation compared to larger testing machines. Despite its compact size, it offers impressive capabilities, capturing 1000 data points per second with high precision of ±0.2% F.S., thus facilitating precise food texture analysis.

Pre-installed measurement methods tailored for different food categories streamline testing procedures, enabling users to commence texture assessments promptly after acquisition without the need for intricate setup processes. Moreover, the accompanying software allows for graphical representation of measured values, and customizable test conditions empower users to derive various parameters like adhesion and stickiness, thereby enhancing texture analysis efficiency.


  • Assessing textural properties of food such as firmness, tackiness, cohesion, and elasticity by quantifying texture in force.
  • Streamlining testing procedures through a user-friendly touch screen for selecting food samples or test standards, along with preset conditions to expedite testing.
  • Simplifying food measurements in accordance with ISO, JIS, and other standards.
  • Analysing force-time/displacement relationships via graphing and data management using included software.
  • Allowing direct saving of data to a USB drive for convenient storage.
  • Providing optional attachments of various shapes to accommodate a wide array of testing applications.

Relevant Industrial Standards

  • ISO 16305 [ 2005 ] [Butter-Determination of firmness] (corresponding part only)
  • ISO 9665 [ 1998 ] [Adhesives- Animal glues- Methods of sampling and testing] (corresponding part only)
  • Consumer Affairs Agency [ 2017 ] [Food for person having difficulty in swallowing] (corresponding part only)
  • Japan Care Food Conference [Universal Design Food] (corresponding part only)
  • JIS K6503 [ 2001 ] [Animal glues and gelatins] (corresponding part only)

FRTS Series Specification

Measurement Example Videos

Food & Beverages

Explore the realm of food and beverage measurement techniques, with a focus on texture evaluation. These applications allow for precise assessment of characteristics such as rice hardness, jelly elasticity, and cream smoothness. Not only we contribute to culinary excellence, but we also facilitate adherence to universal standards, revolutionizing our approach to food experiences.

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